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Don't Let Cocaine Ruin Your Life

If you or someone you know uses cocaine, you are probably aware of some of the consequences. It acts directly on the brain, causing sweating and increased muscle power, increased heartbeat and blood pressure, increased respiratory rate and body temperature, and even seizures. Its most notable effects include euphoria, a feeling of increased energy and decreased appetite. These effects are almost immediate after a single dose and disappear in a matter of minutes or hours, depending on the route of administration.

Some dangerous particularities of cocaine:

In the first phase, you may develop a tolerance, making it necessary to increase doses to maintain the degree of euphoria.
The occasional weekend use can also cause dependency to this drug.
Cocaine can also cause psychiatric, neurological, cardiac and respiratory problems.

Cocaine can cause delirium, paranoid ideas, psychomotor agitation and panic. It can also cause stroke, seizures, frequent headaches and blurred vision. With regards to heart disease, it is associated with arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease and increased blood pressure. Cocaine affects breathing, causing hemoptysis (blood removal through the mouth), chest pain and dyspnea. By visiting drug rehab centers; however, you can break the cycle, and get your life back.

Throughout the years, there have been many people who have chosen to stop their cocaine addiction with the help of drug rehab centers. These centers tend to tailor treatments for cocaine detoxification based on new patterns of consumption, gaining spectacular results, as demonstrated by their high levels of satisfaction and effectiveness. These patients have a positive track record from admission to the phase of reintegration into society. Stability is one of the factors to consider when assessing the quality of patient service.

One of the biggest advantages a treatment facility provides to the patient is the assurance they can stop using drugs. They do this by providing a framework for safe containment and a team with which to create a stable bond. Many centers have adapted its services to new consumer habits and the new cocaine product.

To achieve optimal results in the treatment of cocaine addiction, these professionals must provide appropriate services (short-term residential care, adequate medical care, and structured psychosocial interventions) and clinically differentiate between different degrees of addiction to customize treatment.